A Complete guide to

Sugar Tax:

What a every F&B Brand needs to know.

A Complete guide to

Sugar Tax:

What a every F&B Brand needs to know.


  • If the Sugar Tax is applicable to you
  • how to future-proof your business against the sugar tax
Emerging as a branch of “sin taxes”, sugar tax, implemented on sugar-sweetened beverages, has taken effect in around 50 nations so far.
If you are a food and beverage brand looking to understand how the sugar tax will impact your business, the table below will give you an overview of the amount of tax levied in your country and on your product category.
Brands facing the sugar tax can download our ebook “ Future- proof your business against sugar tax” to craft an effective strategy that gives you a competitive edge in the industry.
There are 3 major types of taxes applicable globally –
  1. Excise – Tax levied on a particular product, typically at the point of manufacture or distribution. Can be either specific (based on volume or sugar content) or ad valorem (based on the percentage of product value). Tiered and sliding-scale designs apply different specific tax rates depending on volume or sugar content.
  2. Import tax – Tax collected on imported products
  3. VAT/GST – A VAT is a broad-based tax assessed incrementally as a percentage of price at each stage in the production and distribution chain. Considered a consumption tax because the ultimate cost of paying the tax is borne by the consumer at the point of purchase.
As the sugar tax looms large over the F&B industry, download our ebook to learn more about –
  • Government initiatives, industry and consumer response to the Sugar Tax
  • Sugar reduction and why it is the only option to future proof your business against a sugar tax.
  • Challenges in sugar reduction
  • How to choose the right sweetener for successful sugar reduction

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