Sugar Reduction

Arboreal enables food & beverage brands to launch winning lower-calorie products in 30 days. Our vertically integrated manufacturing process and application development expertise deliver Stevia solutions ‘that work.’

Ideas- Cut Sugar, Retain the Sweetness.

Achieve sugar reduction naturally with Stevia at budget-friendly prices
  • Premiumize your sugar reduction experience
  • Your one-stop solution for all the sugar reduction challenges.
  • When expertise meets experience, you get a product that’s on par in taste and texture with the sugary counterpart, with fewer calories, at budget-friendly prices.
  • When expertise meets experience, you unlock deeper calorie reductions at lower prices.
  • When expertise meets experience, you get more than just a sweetener.
  • You unlock deeper calorie reductions, natural goodness, superior taste, all at budget-friendly prices.
Achieve the sweet taste that your consumer expect while reducing the sugar
Arboreal helps F&B brands reduce sugar while maintaining the Taste,Texture and Cost

Unlock deeper sugar
reduction at lower costs

Arboreal uses proprietary knowledge in Stevia to help F&B brands reduce sugar while maintaining Taste, Texture, Cost

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Our Stevia Solution offer:

Great Taste | Cost Savings | Clean Labels

When replacing sugar,

you're not just replacing the sweetness but also:

Stevia is the only ingredient we do, and we do it well.

We are one of the very few vertically integrated Stevia producers in the world. Knowledge creators in the Stevia domain. Our team of highly qualified R&D professionals has created a unique knowledge base of what combination of the sweet molecules in the Stevia leaf gives the best cost and taste performance in different food and beverages recipes. F&B companies can leverage this knowledge base to:
  • Take the guesswork out of sugar substitution – By delivering precision sweetness, mouthfeel, and texture to make a perfect guilt-free product that your consumers just can’t resist.
  • Launch in 30 days – By tapping into our existing proprietary knowledge base and expertise in food technology to rapidly create optimized Stevia solutions for different applications.
  • Achieve significant cost benefits – By using the right Stevia solutions customized for your product requirements. Contrary to popular opinion, making a winning lower-calorie product doesn’t require the most expensive stevia extract.

The regulatory approval specifications and labeling regulations for Stevia vary from country to country and frequently change according to the application of ingredients.

Our team can help you navigate the complex regulatory environment effortlessly.